In the pixel event Google gave details about its new phone specification. But they kept the information secret for so long.
That's the main processor of the Pixel phone as well as Google's own design processor. Google has not said much about this processor so far
Although Octako's processor will be closed for now, it will be launched with the Android 8.1 update.
Google Pixel 2 has already got the best camera order. If the processor is added, the value of the camera will increase significantly. Because the processor has been created to work with cameras only.
The pixel visual core called HDR + photo capture capability can be 5 times faster than this chip camera. Power consumption will cost 1 percent of the original processor.
Although the processor is made for image information, its work will not be restricted to the camera only.
It will also work for machine learning, background and lighting detection machine learning. Also, other app makers will also be able to use the processor.
App developers will be given this opportunity to increase the quality of the pixels captured. The buzz that Google is working on with its own processors was heard before, but this time it has been found.
Future pixel devices will have nothing to be surprised if only Google's own processors.
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